Tugas Bahasa Inggris || Reading Skill

- Muhammad Ijtihad (2016470041)
- Teguh Paturohman (2016470058)
- Rehan Septiansyah (2016470052)

Reading Skill
The reading demands of university study are not easy.  Unfortunately, however, it is all too common for students to pay little attention to their own approaches to reading, that is, how they read, and how they can improve the effectiveness and speed of their reading.

This helpsheet provides extensive reading advice. Furthermore, the helpsheet provides reading tips that are specific for particular text types and for the purposes you may have.
Reading skill have 4 strategy
Reading strategy 1: purposeful reading If you tend to begin reading like this: “I need to read Chapter 6 – here it goes! …”, you may need to rethink your approach.

Reading strategy 2: scanning Scanning is reading quickly to search for specific information.  You may not realise it, but you are already good at scanning.  You scan, for example, when checking a TV guide or a phone book. Scanning may allow you to ‘read’ up to 1,500 words a minute.
Reading strategy 3: skimming Skimming is reading quickly to gain a general idea.  Skimming may allow you to ‘read’ up to 1000 words a minute.

Skimming helps you identify whether or not to continue reading, what to read carefully, and where the best place is to begin. Skimming an academic text immediately before you read it carefully can help you consider what you already know and can help you develop a purpose for reading.  An initial skim can also help maximise your interest in the text and your understanding and reflection on the material.
Reading strategy 4: information words There will be times when you need to do more than skim a text in the way described above, but still need to read quickly.  This may require ability to conduct “surface reading”.
It is worth remembering that no more than 50% of the words in an average textbook are “information” words. The other words are like glue and paint: they are there to provide connections and add interest, but are not essential for meaning. If you concentrate on information words, you can read faster and with better comprehension.
But, how do you learn to pick out the important information words?  A large part of the trick involves paying attention to what the author is trying to say.  Look for the message, and the information words will emerge naturally.


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